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« on: February 20, 2009, 09:09:39 pm » |
We will be having updates soon. This weekend we will be updating the headers and footers, adding more boards, and adding more fun things to the site. It will be possible that we may have down time. This would be because the Admin's will be testing what we fix. If it messes up, it may cause the forum to go slow or go wack. So we may close it down, depending on what we do. Adding boards will do nothing.
Completed: New Stylesheet
Awards System Deleted. Bad feature Music Player
Yet to come: Headers & Footer's
Music player COMPLETE!! More improved boards More special features And...
Awards system Complete, it's the Awards under your image. Nevermind, it looks bad
You will be supprised what happens over the weekend.
Hope you like whats coming up! We will be working overtime for this!!
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 10:32:19 am by skillag3 »
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